
Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Other than New Year’s, there is probably no other time during the year that motivates us to make a fresh start like springtime does.  When the warm breezes start blowing, we want to open the windows and revitalize our homes and our spirits. This is the time to make healthy[…]

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if you don't make time for exercise, you will have to make time for illness

7 Reasons to Use Creatine Powder

Creatine powder is a powerhouse supplement that should be in nearly everyone’s kitchen cabinet. These 7 reasons to use creatine make it almost magical as it helps: to boost performance improve body composition increase strength levels in both trained athletes and bodybuilding novices help build muscle and strength increase bone[…]

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Catalyst 4 Fitness Micronized Creatine Monohydrate

Warming Up Before Exercise

You might be tempted to skip warming up before you exercise. After all, you only have so much time to exercise – “Let’s just get on with it already!  I’m in a hurry!” But warming up before exercise is a critical component of your fitness routine, and skipping it could[…]

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sihouettes of women warming up before exercise

Out Exercise a Bad Diet

Ever heard someone give themselves permission to indulge their sweet tooth just because they just had a great workout?  It’s a common excuse. Many people believe that because they exercise, they’re in the black when looking at their calorie input vs. calorie output.  However you can not out exercise a[…]

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a sign saying you can't out exercise a bad diet

Effects of Stress

We all hear how bad stress is for us, and that we have to control it. But what does this really mean? What are the effects of stress on us? How Does Your Body React to Stress? When you experience stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol.  In small[…]

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stress meter

Winter Weight Gain

Did you know that research shows the average winter weight gain to be five to seven pounds? Some people gain this extra weight because they have Seasonal Affective Disorder—a type of winter depression.  But most of us can’t blame winter depression for our tendency to pick up extra weight during[…]

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two snowmen talking about winter weight gain

Exercise and Brain Power

Is there a correlation between exercise and brain power? Whether you are a student, the parent of a student, or a teacher, you likely have one thing on your mind:  academic performance. From kindergartners to graduate level college students, concentration and learning are critical and directly related to how successful[…]

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Train Smarter Not Harder

There are few things as exciting as new clients eager to make serious lifestyle changes and make up for lost time in their quest to get fit and healthy.  Their motivation and passion are contagious, and watching transformations is one of the most fulfilling aspects of being a trainer. But in[…]

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train smarter not harder