
Eat Peanut Butter

Americans spend almost $800 million a year on peanut butter so it’s obvious that we enjoy it. Even though many people think it is a good source of protein, this is not true. It is a good source of fat. And while it is often referred to as a “healthy[…]

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jars of peanut butter on grocery store shelves

Should You Buy Organic Foods

If you want the best, healthiest foods you should always buy organic foods, right? Let’s start by defining organic. The United States Department of Agriculture defines a product to be organic if it is grown, or if the animal is fed, according to certain standards.  Listing and describing the standards[…]

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organic sign

Getting Lean

The Cost of Getting Lean. This article could change your views forever. It could help you identify your goals, or solidify your current state of fitness. It really could change your life. I’m not blowing this out of proportion. I am serious. If it speaks to you, fantastic! Share it[…]

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drawings of men with abs

Holiday Survival Guide

We need a survival guide! During the holiday season it seems everywhere we turn there are tempting foods and drinks—from treats at office parties to our own traditional family favorites.  When you add in a busy schedule filled with shopping and get-togethers, you could have a recipe for disaster as[…]

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holiday survival guide

Alcohol and Fitness

One of the most common questions I am asked involves alcohol and fitness. If I had a dollar for each time, I could retire! Common Questions How bad is alcohol for me? How many beers can I have if I only drink on the weekends? What if it’s light-colored beer?[…]

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a gold bottle of alcohol held by one blue man being pulled away from the bottle by another blue man

5 Mistakes in Dieting

The word “diet” should be removed from the dictionary. Not because there are 5 mistakes in dieting that most people make, but because I don’t believe any diet is a good idea. Why? It inherently has an end date. Let’s say you reach your goal. What are you going to[…]

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no more diets sign

Holiday Eating and Binging

With the holidays approaching, unless you want to look like a stuffed turkey when the new year comes, you need to stay away from the holiday eating and binging cycle. Instead, create a plan on how to navigate the family dinners, work parties, and office “food days”.  Here are some[…]

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woman eating and binging on many foods and drinks

5 Ways to Use Protein Powder

Protein is an integral part of a healthy diet. There are many sources of protein but one of the easiest to incorporate into your diet to ensure you get enough of it every day is protein powder. 5 Ways to Use Protein Powder – Whey, Vegan, or Collagen Peptides protein[…]

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Catalyst 4 Fitness Whey Protein chocolate

Gluten Free Foods

Do you have questions about gluten free foods, and how carbs fit in? If so, you aren’t alone.  Many Americans are reducing the gluten and carbs in their diets.  Some are cutting back on gluten because they have a confirmed diagnosis of Celiac disease, some are gluten sensitive, and others[…]

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gluten free cure or fad image with rices

Alzheimer’s Prevention

Alzheimer’s prevention is a hot topic. This should come as no surprise since surveys have shown that there is something that Americans fear more than death. It is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. For most of us, losing our personhood – those characteristics which make us who we are – is[…]

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Alzheimer's symptoms and effects