Best High Protein High Fiber Bars
Why should you be interested in finding the best high protein high fiber bars?
As you get older, you realize you should be eating better and you are trying. Really. You have cut back on beer, pizza, and wings – foods that you survived on during college and for several years afterward.
You thought you were doing pretty good at it, but then your doctor says you should be eating more fiber. You immediately think of eating salads and beans. Not exactly the lunch you were hoping for.
How Much Fiber?
Your doctor clarifies by saying you need at least 25 grams of fiber every day. Along with this, she tells you to eat more protein and less sugar. Again, every day.
It isn’t that you don’t believe her. You know that fiber is good for you. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, diverticular disease, constipation, and colon cancer. You also know that protein helps build and maintain muscle, reduces blood pressure, boosts metabolism, and suppresses your appetite. And that sugar has no nutritional value and can lead to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues.
You want to do the right thing and improve your diet but you also want an easy way to get high protein high fiber and low sugar all in one meal. And you want it to taste good so you actually look forward to eating it.
The Easy Answer for High Protein High Fiber and Good Taste

Catalyst Bars were created with you in mind. They give you the nutrition your body needs and are amazingly delicious!
Look at how the protein, sugar, and fiber in Catalyst Bars compare with other bars on the market.