From the Blog

What is a Meal Replacement Bar?

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine that mimicked conversations I have every week. I call them “AHA” moments, and I’m sharing it to help you make better decisions for you and your family. I’m going to explain what is a meal replacement bar.

Why are Catalyst Meal Replacement Bars superior?

Too many bars on the market, whether they are called protein bars, energy bars, or snack bars are not meals. They leave you hungry, are made of ingredients that aren’t good for you, or taste bad. 

I repeat, these are not true meal replacements. I know that if I eat something with just 180 calories, I’m still hungry. A meal replacement should keep you full for a few hours. Most of the bars are not nutritionally sound either, at least for me and for what I recommend to my clients. For instance, the sugar is too high, the fiber is too low, the protein source is of a low quality, and there are sugar alcohols. I’ll give a few examples and then I’ll get off my soapbox. I promise. Raw Rev Glo has 5 g sugar for a bar that’s a little more than 1/2 the size of mine yet my bar only has 1 g sugar. The Balance bar has 15 g of sugar and Clif has 17 – 15x and 17x the sugar in mine, respectively. Imagine if you took those calories and substituted nutrition instead!

Catalyst Meal Replacement Bar

I want a bar to satisfy my hunger. I want it to boast of a lot of high quality protein, healthy fats, a high number of grams of fiber, low net carbs, and be non-GMO. I want it to taste good so I look forward to eating it.

Catalyst Bars have 280 calories (the size of a meal) and are nutrient-dense – 1 gram sugar, 0 grams sugar alcohols, 18 g fiber, 17 g plant-based protein (no soy), and 15 g fat along with 10 g net carbs. They are sweetened with allulose and monkfruit extract. They are 85 grams in weight which is more than 1 1/2 times the weight of a Balance bar (helping you quickly realize you are eating something of substance) but with less calories per gram because they have better nutrition. 

And they taste good. 

Ok, as promised, I’m off my soapbox. 🙂 

Read the testimonials and then try them for yourself!