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When and What to Eat Before and After Working Out

As an active adult engaged in sports or regular gym workouts, meal timing plays a crucial role in optimizing your performance and supporting effective recovery. Properly timed meals can provide the necessary nutrients to fuel your workouts, enhance muscle repair, and promote overall well-being.

Pre-Workout Meals: Fueling Performance

Consuming a well-balanced meal before your workout or sports activity is essential for optimal performance. Key considerations include providing sufficient energy, focusing on appropriate macronutrients, and allowing enough time for digestion. Following are examples of pre-workout meals based on different weight ranges.

Weight range: 100-120 lbs.
Example meal: grilled chicken breast (3 oz.), quinoa (1/2 cup), roasted vegetables (1 cup).
Calories: approximately 300-350.
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrate, and 25 – 30% fat.

Weight range: 121-150 lbs.
Example meal: salmon fillet (4 oz.), sweet potato (1 medium), steamed broccoli (1 cup)
Calories: approximately 400-450
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrate, and 25 – 30% fat.

Weight range: 151-200 lbs.
Example meal: lean beef steak (6 oz.), brown rice (3/4 cup), mixed greens salad (1 ½ cups) with olive oil dressing
Calories: approximately 500-550
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrate, and 25 – 30% fat.

Weight range: 201+ lbs.
Example meal: grilled turkey breast (8 oz.), whole wheat pasta (1 cup), sautéed spinach (1 ½ cups)
Calories: approximately 600-650
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrate, and 25 – 30% fat.

Another option is to eat a truly nutritious protein bar, fueling your body with high-quality calories and the right balance of macronutrients. Catalyst Bars are high protein, low sugar, have zero sugar alcohols, and satisfy your hunger. Many prefer eating a Catalyst Bar shortly before their workouts instead of a sit-down meal. These bars are convenient, portable, and taste good.

Taking a pre-workout drink such as Ignite or Pump immediately before working out can give you the extra boost you need to perform your best.

An alarm clock surrounded by sports balls and dumbbells

Intra-Workout Nutrition: Maintaining Energy Levels

For longer or high-intensity workouts, maintaining energy levels during the session is crucial. Intra-workout nutrition focuses on providing easily digestible carbohydrates and hydration. Here are some examples of intra-workout nutrition strategies:

Consuming a low sugar, electrolyte-rich drink like Hydrate during workouts lasting longer than 60 minutes.

Consuming a carbohydrate-rich snack, such as a banana or energy gel, during extended endurance activities to replenish glycogen stores and sustain energy levels.

Post-Workout Meals: Optimizing Recovery

After a workout or sports activity, your body requires nutrients to repair and rebuild muscle tissue, replenish glycogen stores, and kickstart recovery. The timing and composition of your post-workout meal are vital. Consider the following examples:

Weight range: 100-120 lbs.
Example meal: grilled chicken breast (3 oz.), quinoa (1/2 cup), steamed asparagus (1 cup), Greek yogurt (1/2 cup) with berries
Calories: approximately 400-450
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrates, 25 – 30% fat

Weight range: 121-150 lbs.
Example meal: grilled salmon fillet (4 oz.), brown rice (3/4 cup), roasted Brussels sprouts (1 cup), mixed nuts (1/4 cup)
Calories: approximately 500-550 calories
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrates, 25 – 30% fat

Weight range: 151-200 lbs.
Example meal: lean beef steak (6 oz.), quinoa (1 cup), roasted sweet potatoes (1 medium), mixed greens salad (1 ½ cups) with avocado
Calories: approximately 600-650 calories
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrates, 25 – 30% fat

Weight range: 201+ lbs.
Example meal: grilled turkey breast (8 oz.), whole wheat pasta (1 cup), grilled vegetables (1 ½ cups), protein shake with almond milk
Calories: approximately 700-750 calories
Macronutrient breakdown: 25 – 30% protein, 40 – 45% carbohydrates, 25 – 30% fat

Like with pre-workout nutrition, some athletes prefer to eat a Catalyst bar immediately following their physical activity, and then enjoy a sit-down meal an hour or two later. Find which nutrition strategy works for you and stick with it.

Additionally, drinking water with 1 scoop of Glutamine as part of your post-workout meal will help your muscles recover properly and also prepare them for your next work out.

Benefits of Meal Timing

Properly timed meals offer several benefits. They provide the necessary energy and nutrients to optimize performance during workouts, support muscle repair and growth, replenish glycogen stores, and promote efficient recovery. It also can help regulate blood sugar levels, enhance nutrient absorption, and prevent muscle breakdown. By strategically planning your pre-, intra-, and post-workout meals, you can take advantage of these benefits to achieve your athletic goals and maintain overall well-being.

Online Nutrition Coaching provides all of this and more. Get started and reach your goals faster!