
Sharon encourages me to try new things that I may have previously thought that I couldn’t do.  She brings positive reinforcement to working out which I like.  I did have a gym membership in the past, but there was never anyone there to motivate or encourage me to keep pushing myself.  My experience with Sharon has been great.  Joining her Boot Camp and MET classes was one of the smartest decisions I have made recently.  I am proud of myself and my accomplishments, and I can not wait to see what the future holds.

— Julie S.



I am 49 years old and the mother of three teenagers: 19, 17, and 14.  Four years ago I was at my highest weight ever. I had worked with personal trainers at two different gyms, taken aerobics, tried kick-boxing, running, walking, home workouts, and spinning. Then I met Sharon. The first day of Boot Camp I could barely do the “warm-up”. I couldn’t do a push up and had no core strength. After working with Sharon for almost two years, I can run a mile without stopping, perform different kinds of push ups, and have dropped several more pounds. I like that Sharon addresses our diet as well as our workout.  Knowing what I know now, I would have started this years ago.  I'm so thankful to Sharon!

— Kristi S.

Susan lost 20 lbs. and 18" while learning the skills not only to lose the weight but how to keep it off.

— Susan B.



Before working with Sharon, I had hit a plateau that I could not overcome, causing me to continue trying different things with little to no success. Sharon’s program has helped me get back on track and set aside dedicated time for me. I have found that I now enjoy evening workouts. I'm a morning person and working out in the evening had always been a struggle. If I could talk with others who are facing the same struggles and frustrations that I was, I would say to find someone to get you going, like Sharon. Be patient with yourself and trust the process. In 12 weeks, I have lost 10 lbs. and 16", and my biggest win so far is liking my appearance more!  

— Tanya D.



I went shopping yesterday for clothes for Spring Break. I knew my size 10 shorts from last summer probably wouldn't fit so I took a 6 and an 8 into the dressing room. They were both too big! I had lost 10"! In the past I had done Jazzercise and walking – neither gave me major changes. That was when I signed up for Boot Camp and Metabolic Explosion Training classes. Soon after I added Meal Planning. So far I have lost about 22 lbs. and dropped from a size 10 to a 4.  I can see a difference in my arms, legs, booty, and stomach. I have more energy, strength, and I feel good about how I look.  I have also met a lot of really nice people in the classes. I wish I had done it earlier! Sharon is committed to help her clients succeed.  She gives me the support I need when I need it, and she works with me on my crazy schedule to make it work for me.  She always challenges me to do more to make my body stronger and better. Thank you, Sharon, for all the support you’ve given me to help me to continue to reach my goal.

— Angie M.

I have a before and after pic of my midsection. I took the before about three months ago right before I started taking Sharon's protein powder and the after, I took last night after Boot Camp. I just wanted to share how taking your Boot Camp and MET Classes combined with taking the protein are really facilitating awesome results! Even though it has only been three months, I feel fantastic and can't wait for what the next three months have in store.

— Laura J.

I passed the fitness test! I was referred to Sharon for her success in helping others. I had three weeks to pass a fitness test for entry into the police department. My goal was to do 25 push ups in a minute, 18 sit ups in a minute, a 60 second 300 meter sprint, run an 18 minute mile and a half, and bench press 75% of my bodyweight. After working with Sharon for 3 weeks, I completed 25 push ups in a minute, 18 sit ups in a minute, a 58 second 300 meter sprint, ran a mile and a half in 17:15 minutes, and bench pressed 83% of my bodyweight. I feel great! You are great to work with!

— Andrew S.

My name is Michelle Ellis and I’m a recovering food alcoholic. I have been working with Sharon for a full year now mostly in Personal Training, but recently in MET class too. I found my first day with Sharon to be challenging but rewarding. I was glad she was not hesitant or reluctant to help me. Fast forward one year and I have lost 50 lbs. My everyday life is forever changed for the better! I’m stronger and more flexible. I was very close to be being a full-fledged diabetic and now my A1C is in a non-pre-diabetic range. My blood pressure is completely under control with less medication. The best thing about working with Sharon is that she is always on time and always prepared. She is completely committed to her profession. In the past I tried a lot of quick fixes – lose 20 pounds but then gained 30. I used her Online Nutrition Coaching app and it gave me a great guideline to follow. I never understood what people meant when they said they made a lifestyle change but now I get it!

— Michelle E.

Disclaimer: The weight loss results described in testimonials or photos are not typical for every individual. They may vary based on each patient’s physical health, diet and exercise, and adherence to the program.